KB collar plates/whale plates
KB chain Joiners
KB Hame plates
KB Acorn for the top of British hames
Hame Hooks with brass heart
KB Breeching plates - for 3 inch strap
Breeching Dees 3.5 inches
KB saddle for terrets/rein/fly or plume
KB cast half egg ovals harness decoration with shanks on the back
KB cast shield harness decoration with shanks on the back.
KB cast octagon with shanks on the back
KB cast hearts with shanks on the back
KB Cast ovals - Shanks on the back
KB left or right facing horse harness decoration
KB laurel surround harness decoration
KB cast wheatsheaf harness decoration
Stamped flat rosettes
KB bearing rein swivel.
KB Upright Rein Terret a pair
KB Upright flat ring rein terret
KB loose ring rein terrets.
KB acorn for tops of bells.
KB standard five bell frame
KB Five Victoria Rumbler Bell terret